Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Living History Day

Letter on April 28, 2008

Our weekend was very busy with Living History Day. The missionary kids have been working on it for weeks. It covered the 1800s so there were cowboys and Indians, 49ers, Mexican American war, remember the Alamo, Civil war, post war reconstruction, industrialism, slavery issues, all the way up to Teddy Roosevelt and the Panama Canal. Whew, lotsa history. Each student had a booth and a presentation of their topic. Then they had a test or a game or activity of some sort. I hung out most at the wild west one where we got to shoot the gun at buffalo and win candy! It took a couple hours to get around to them all and it was fun to see everyone all dressed up, especially all the southern belles! (lots of missionaries here are from the south, so they did the southern thing really well!) It was like a huge science fair, but with history. I took Jasmine up there and she was in heaven! She played for two hours straight. She rolled in the grass and chased the other dog and played with anybody who would play with her. She was very popular!!!

After the booths, we went down to the worship center above the hospital and had a square dance. Soooo funny! Then we had a chuckwagon meal (baked beans and BBQ beef). They had a program including multiple skits and songs that lasted over 2 hrs! It was really good though. They drug me into a part, very reluctantly. All the kids memorized tons of lines and had all different costumes and different accents...very impressive! During intermission we had apple pie and ice cream! Yummy!

Afterward they had some music that sounded like Polka so one of the MKs in a big hoop skirt and I did the polka all around the room. That was fun! Then a few of us hung out to clean up and then we had fake sword fights between the confederate and union generals. I think that was even funnier than the plays!

Oh, I don't think I told you about taking Jasmine to the beach last week. It was hilarious! She was rolling in the sand and digging it up and hopping all over in excitement. Then she would shove her face into the sand then pull it out sneezing and shaking her head and then do it again! So silly! However, when we approached the water she put on the brakes! I forced her to stand in the shallow water and she was scared every time a little wave lapped at her feet. Then I picked her up and took her out in the water and slowly lowered her in. At first she just sat there, then she started pawing with one foot. Then I let her down lower and she started pawing with both front legs and voilah! she was swimming. She headed straight for shore! After doing this several times she wasn't as scared. Finally she started playing a little with the tiny waves and pawing at them. She walked out a little deeper up to her chest and then a swell came and lifted her off her feet. She freaked out and started swimming madly for shore! She ran back up to the soft sand, dug a hole and plopped down, staring at the ocean. I'm sure she'll love it eventually. Afterall she is part Lab!

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