Thursday, April 24, 2008


The last two days I have been preparing for a meeting with the lay midwives in the community of Rio Esteban, about 15 minutes and two rivers from here. Last month it poured rain the day before and the day of the meeting so that both rivers were impassable. I saw one of the lay midwives in clinic last week and confirmed that there would be a meeting this week (last Thursday of each month). So, I have packets ready, a lesson plan for teaching about postpartum hemorrhage....Then a Honduran friend, Xiomara, who helps out at the centro de salud (health center) where the meetings are held, informed me this morning that the health center is closed all week because they are doing vaccination campaigns in the mountains. So, for another month, no meeting. At least I found out before I borrowed a car and drove out there! Still, it is very frustrating to be put off again when we are trying to build relationship and trust with these ladies and have some continuity and education. Hopefully the meeting in Balfate next Tuesday will still happen!

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