Thursday, May 8, 2008

Some random photos

Life has been crazy busy here, no time to write. Too many patients and not enough docs! But still time to play with Jasmine who is getting taller and sweeter every day! Here are some random photos:


Jonesy said...

I still can't believe how cute your dog is. I think it's something about the way his little face is all scrunched up. Is potty training getting easier? Our black lab is getting huge. The other day she was frolicking and rolling fervently in the grass and she hurled her mass into my right ankle knocking me to the ground with a searing pain. I thought for sure she broke my ankle but it was just a minor sprain. She was so cute and happy still bounding around as I was nursing my wounds that there was no use getting mad at her.

TheCeiba said...

Beautiful pics!! I love the sunset one! Makes me want to be there, ahora!