Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A cool breeze...

Its amazing how the weather affects us. A beautiful sunny day can raise your spirits, a dreary day can make you solemn, excessive cold makes you want to cuddle up by a fire, excessive heat wilts you...so, I can't even describe how nice it is to have a cool breeze this afternoon. I have been sweating non-stop for a week. Wilting is not a strong enough word. The heat and humidity have been so oppressive with not even the whisper of a breeze that even the Hondurans have been complaining. Waking up in the night multiple times sweating even with the fan on me, taking 2-3 cold showers per day to cool down and rinse off the sweat and dust, being so, so tired. Basically it has been miserable around here. So imagine being trapped in a too-hot sauna for a week and then finally being released out into the cool fresh air. Aaah! Sweet relief! Even Jasmine is much more playful today. I was beginning to wonder if she was sick last week because she was just laying around all the time.

So, that's my expose on the weather. Another reason to have lifted spirits is that most of our docs are here right now which makes clinic so much more bearable. Plus my hospital patients are doing better, which is always nice. So I went from an incredible paucity of doctors with multiple very sick hospital patients and super busy clinics and wilting heat to more docs to share the load, patients getting better, and a wonderful cool breeze! Praise God for cool breezes!

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