Monday, October 15, 2007

Missionary Conference

This weekend we loaded up the Landcruisers with luggage and kids and headed for the hills. About 30 of us went to the Honduran Missionary Conference in Siguatepeque about a 6 hr drive from here. Those who couldn't go (and had to stay and cover the hospital) sent their kids along anyway, so we had the whole gaggle. What a blast!

There were missionaries from all over the country starting Bible Colleges, teaching english, running medical clinics, ministry to prostitutes, church many cool people out there! I made great contacts and learned a lot from others. Our speaker was an incredible man who was a missionary in the Phillipines for over 20 years. What stories that guy had! Whew! He was hilarious and inspiring and speaker I've heard in a long time! It was cool to be at a conference for missionaries. There was none of this "you need to go out and serve" business. It was all, "now that you're here, how do you best minister to people?".
Hanging out with the MKs was one of the highlights of the weekend. I was one of the chaperones for the swimming pool and that was a good time, except for when some of the kids got in trouble (I'm still trying to figure out that balance between buddy, big sister, and adult). Then we played games, stayed up late talking, told stories, prayed together. Precious kids!
Another highlight was the deliciously cool weather. I actually put on jeans and a sweater. It was so exciting to finally be cold again! At night when I shivered and pulled my blanket up around my neck, I thought I might have died and gone to heaven. As I sit here sweating at 10pm back in the lowlands, I wonder why God didn't call me to the mountains???

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