Saturday, April 4, 2009

A New Heartbeat

March 21, 2009
It is such a privilege to be the first one to hear a new heartbeat! It is awesome to hear them breathe and cry for the first time, to see them open their eyes for the first time, to see them eat for the first time. But to hear their little heart beating inside their chest...the sound of health and vitality. That is really something!

Neidy came in today with her newborn baby. When I saw her last week she told me she would have her baby over the weekend. I smiled and nodded and said "yes, maybe". Today she comes in with a precious little bundle all dressed in pink. Victoria, born last weekend, is a perfectly beautiful baby. Victoria has a perfectly round head, perfect little features and a sweet little cry. What a doll! When I listened to her heartbeat for the first time, I was reminded of the miracle that occurs each time a new life enters this world. That all those complex organs are working together just right for this little being to survive and grow. What a marvelous designer we have!

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