Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Today was a strange day of abnormally large things. A 72 year old man came in with the complaint of 'hernia', which is fairly common around here. As he pulled down his pants, I was about to ask him which side was bothering him, when he revealed an incredibly huge scrotum. We're talking football size...actually a little bigger than a football. I was amazed and astounded. I had never seen such a large hernia except in the textbooks. I ran to get the surgeon so he could share in the hugeness of it all and schedule surgery!

Then a young girl of 16 presented with abnormally large breasts. Again we are talking supersize here. She was very uncomfortable and was having a lot of back pain and couldn't even find a bra large enough to fit. She made Pamela Anderson look like she was wearing a training bra. I felt really bad for her and we are trying to figure out a way to get her a breast reduction surgery so that she can at least sit up straight.

Obviously photos of these cases would not be appropriate!

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